Saturday, March 19, 2016

Count on Me

Ok... so let me just confess.  Hello, my name is Tabitha, and I am addicted to movies!  I have Cinematic issues, and I tend to force my obsession onto others.  I would seek help, but I don't want to!  LOL! 

That being said, there is this movie with Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra called  "On the Town."  (I warned you, and you kept reading. You only have yourself to blame!)  Before you continue this post, you must watch this song from that movie.  It's mandatory!!! Don't even think about reading the rest without watching.


Now, be honest you are glad you watched it!  It's funny right!  Quite honestly, this is one of my favorite songs from a musical.  It just makes me smile, and it makes me think of my best friend who is many, many miles away.  No matter how long it's been since we have been together, we can talk and pick right up where we left off.  She isn't just my friend but a blessing from God himself.  I can count on her, and she can count on me. 

I started to really think about this one night when I was coming home late from work.  I caught myself doing something that I do every night quite unconsciously.  In fact, it started many moons ago in Bible College.

One of my friends and I went for a walk and ended up walking the track at the local high school down the street in the middle of the night.  The sky was alive with thousands of stars.  It was as if the whole world disappeared under a blanket of God created beauty and light.  Thomas Kinkade wasn't the original painter of light...God was!  That night my friend began pointing out different constellations and one of his favorites was Orion's Belt.  Those three stars standing in a row became a constant in my life after that.  No matter where I am, before I go inside for the night, I always find Orion's Belt. 

The other night I got out of the car, looked up, and found my three stars and a wave of peace came over me.  I realized at that very moment I had been doing that every night since that night on the track.  I like it because no matter where I am in the world, I can count on it being there.  It's like God placed those 3 stars together just for me.  It's a constant that I can always count on.  It may seem strange but it showed me two things.

First of all, I love that God places reminders all around us that we can count on Him.  The Word of God says, "he will never leave you, nor forsake you."  God is always there.  He is a constant in a World that changes by the second.  The Bible says, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever."  God is always the same....We are the ones that change.  There is peace and comfort in knowing that no matter what happens in my life, that God is there and He loves me.  And when I find myself struggling, all I have to do is look up.  He's there and ready to take care of me.  I love that I can count on that no matter what.

Secondly, it reminds me that we need to be a constant for others.  I want people to feel like they can count on me.  Nothing makes me happier than blessing others.  When I am having a bad day, I like to find someone to bless.  I like to take the focus off of the negative I am feeling and plant a little love into someone else's life.  All of the sudden, I feel better.  It makes me think of the show "Friends" when Joey tells Phoebe that there is no such thing as a selfless good deed.  He may be right...Watch this...(Please forgive the language)

Ok...I'm not just a movie junkie...LOL!  Anyway, I love to do something for someone else when I am feeling crummy!  It completely changes my mood and it blesses someone else.  I want to be the one people can count on. 

So next time you are outside at night, look for those 3 stars in a row.  Let it be a reminder that you can Count on God and You can Count on Me.  ( to watch all of "On the Town")


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