Saturday, March 12, 2016

Are you Ready for a Real Change?

Turn on the news, and there is nothing but discouraging news.  People taking the lives of others, disease, famine, poverty, and hate in every direction.  Turn on the radio and even music has been invaded with talk of self worship, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual sin, and moral degradation. It's enough to leave anyone feeling depressed and fearful.

Tonight, I sat down down with my Bible and God invaded the room so quickly that it almost took my breath away.  As I began studying my kids church lesson, God began to speak!

Let me start with a verse from the Bible...

John 16:33
                 "In this World you will have trouble.  But Take Heart!  I have Overcome The World."

I have quoted and read this verse countless times over the years, but it never loses its potency.  Every time I read it, it is as if God himself were standing right in front of me ready to embrace me and steal away every obstacle, every worry.  Everything wrong in the world around me seems to melt away under the power of an Awesome God.  I can't explain it, but I want you to experience it more than I want anything else in my life.

I know that things of this world can be tempting.  And at times, you may even feel like the life you are living is happy and fulfilling.  However, at the end of the day when nobody is around, how do you feel?  When you reflect on your life, do you feel whole?

I really honestly believe we are all born with a God sized hole in our hearts.  The only thing that will ever fill that place in your life is the God of Love and Mercy.  I have gone through some real struggle in my life, but no matter what, God was always there.  Since that day a five year old walked to an altar and gave her life over to God.  I didn't fully understand the power of that decision at the time.  But over 30 years later, I am so glad I made that decision.  I am by no means perfect.  I struggle daily, but He is always there....guiding me...loving me.

Tonight, I don't want to argue theology or give reasoned argument for God's existence.  I just want to ask....

Are you ready for a real change?  Are you ready to lay your life down at the feet of Jesus and allow Him to fill you up with a love and joy that you almost can't contain?  Are you ready to make Him the guiding force of your life?  All you have to do is a say a little prayer.  "Dear God, please forgive me of my sins and come into my life.  I know Jesus died on the cross for my sin and rose from the grave to live forever more.  I am ready to live my life for you.  Amen"  That's all it takes!  He will take care of the rest.  Trust will never be the same!  So I am going to ask one more time...

Are you ready for a REAL change?


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