Saturday, March 19, 2016

Count on Me

Ok... so let me just confess.  Hello, my name is Tabitha, and I am addicted to movies!  I have Cinematic issues, and I tend to force my obsession onto others.  I would seek help, but I don't want to!  LOL! 

That being said, there is this movie with Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra called  "On the Town."  (I warned you, and you kept reading. You only have yourself to blame!)  Before you continue this post, you must watch this song from that movie.  It's mandatory!!! Don't even think about reading the rest without watching.


Now, be honest you are glad you watched it!  It's funny right!  Quite honestly, this is one of my favorite songs from a musical.  It just makes me smile, and it makes me think of my best friend who is many, many miles away.  No matter how long it's been since we have been together, we can talk and pick right up where we left off.  She isn't just my friend but a blessing from God himself.  I can count on her, and she can count on me. 

I started to really think about this one night when I was coming home late from work.  I caught myself doing something that I do every night quite unconsciously.  In fact, it started many moons ago in Bible College.

One of my friends and I went for a walk and ended up walking the track at the local high school down the street in the middle of the night.  The sky was alive with thousands of stars.  It was as if the whole world disappeared under a blanket of God created beauty and light.  Thomas Kinkade wasn't the original painter of light...God was!  That night my friend began pointing out different constellations and one of his favorites was Orion's Belt.  Those three stars standing in a row became a constant in my life after that.  No matter where I am, before I go inside for the night, I always find Orion's Belt. 

The other night I got out of the car, looked up, and found my three stars and a wave of peace came over me.  I realized at that very moment I had been doing that every night since that night on the track.  I like it because no matter where I am in the world, I can count on it being there.  It's like God placed those 3 stars together just for me.  It's a constant that I can always count on.  It may seem strange but it showed me two things.

First of all, I love that God places reminders all around us that we can count on Him.  The Word of God says, "he will never leave you, nor forsake you."  God is always there.  He is a constant in a World that changes by the second.  The Bible says, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever."  God is always the same....We are the ones that change.  There is peace and comfort in knowing that no matter what happens in my life, that God is there and He loves me.  And when I find myself struggling, all I have to do is look up.  He's there and ready to take care of me.  I love that I can count on that no matter what.

Secondly, it reminds me that we need to be a constant for others.  I want people to feel like they can count on me.  Nothing makes me happier than blessing others.  When I am having a bad day, I like to find someone to bless.  I like to take the focus off of the negative I am feeling and plant a little love into someone else's life.  All of the sudden, I feel better.  It makes me think of the show "Friends" when Joey tells Phoebe that there is no such thing as a selfless good deed.  He may be right...Watch this...(Please forgive the language)

Ok...I'm not just a movie junkie...LOL!  Anyway, I love to do something for someone else when I am feeling crummy!  It completely changes my mood and it blesses someone else.  I want to be the one people can count on. 

So next time you are outside at night, look for those 3 stars in a row.  Let it be a reminder that you can Count on God and You can Count on Me.  ( to watch all of "On the Town")


Saturday, March 12, 2016

Are you Ready for a Real Change?

Turn on the news, and there is nothing but discouraging news.  People taking the lives of others, disease, famine, poverty, and hate in every direction.  Turn on the radio and even music has been invaded with talk of self worship, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual sin, and moral degradation. It's enough to leave anyone feeling depressed and fearful.

Tonight, I sat down down with my Bible and God invaded the room so quickly that it almost took my breath away.  As I began studying my kids church lesson, God began to speak!

Let me start with a verse from the Bible...

John 16:33
                 "In this World you will have trouble.  But Take Heart!  I have Overcome The World."

I have quoted and read this verse countless times over the years, but it never loses its potency.  Every time I read it, it is as if God himself were standing right in front of me ready to embrace me and steal away every obstacle, every worry.  Everything wrong in the world around me seems to melt away under the power of an Awesome God.  I can't explain it, but I want you to experience it more than I want anything else in my life.

I know that things of this world can be tempting.  And at times, you may even feel like the life you are living is happy and fulfilling.  However, at the end of the day when nobody is around, how do you feel?  When you reflect on your life, do you feel whole?

I really honestly believe we are all born with a God sized hole in our hearts.  The only thing that will ever fill that place in your life is the God of Love and Mercy.  I have gone through some real struggle in my life, but no matter what, God was always there.  Since that day a five year old walked to an altar and gave her life over to God.  I didn't fully understand the power of that decision at the time.  But over 30 years later, I am so glad I made that decision.  I am by no means perfect.  I struggle daily, but He is always there....guiding me...loving me.

Tonight, I don't want to argue theology or give reasoned argument for God's existence.  I just want to ask....

Are you ready for a real change?  Are you ready to lay your life down at the feet of Jesus and allow Him to fill you up with a love and joy that you almost can't contain?  Are you ready to make Him the guiding force of your life?  All you have to do is a say a little prayer.  "Dear God, please forgive me of my sins and come into my life.  I know Jesus died on the cross for my sin and rose from the grave to live forever more.  I am ready to live my life for you.  Amen"  That's all it takes!  He will take care of the rest.  Trust will never be the same!  So I am going to ask one more time...

Are you ready for a REAL change?


Sunday, March 6, 2016

Center of God's Will

Every believer strives daily to be in the Center of God's will. The problem is we have our own idea of what that looks like.  I was no exception.  I was sure I knew what would put me in the center of God's will, and it seemed no matter how hard I tried, I was moving farther away from it with every effort.

What?  How could this be?  I have done everything the Bible says, and my life looks nothing like I thought it would!  (Insert twilight zone music here)

Remember, it's the Center of "God's"will for me, not my own will, that I was supposed to be striving for.  However upon inspection of my efforts in the last few years, I was much more concerned with what I wanted than what God had in mind.  By putting my own desires before God's plan, I made myself miserable, depressed, and frustrated.  I wasn't really myself anymore.

I would love to say that it took weeks of fasting and praying.  I would love to say that I spent weeks and weeks in intense Bible Study.  Instead, I sat down and had a little talk with God.  The next day, it was like I had a crazy drastic brain surgery.  Yes, sometimes God answers prayers in a blink of an eye.  Even more insane, absolutely nothing in my situation or my life changed.  Miraculously, for the first time in many years, I was seeing my own life through God's eyes, instead of my own.

All of the sudden, I realized that I had nothing to worry about.  I was walking in the center of God's will right now!  I work a fun job with an incredible group of people.  In fact, anywhere you work where you have a squirt gun in your desk drawer is a winner!  I get to minister to amazing kids every single week and teach along side dedicated, loving volunteers.  I have a Pastor who shares my heart for evangelism. AND, I have the most hilarious family on the face of the planet.  What am I so worried about?  I'm happy and God can use me right where I am!

I used to spend so much time worrying about what people thought of me.  All of the sudden, I didn't care!  As long as I am living out Ephesians 5:1-2  "Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."  I'm good!  (By the way if you continue to read this passage, it gets very specific on how we should live)  But as long as I am living my life for God and loving God's people, I am not worried about what people say about me.  The only opinion that matters to me is God's!  Do you know how free I am right now?

I can honestly say I am living a life of Joy like I never have before.  I know that if I live for God every single day, read the Word, pray, and share the love and heart of God with the World in everything that I do... I'm there... I've done it.  I am living in the center of the will of God.

Does that mean everything in my life is perfect?  NOOOOO!!!  This life will never be perfect.  God is good, and He loves me and wants what's best for me.  So I will trust him with those things I am still praying for like a husband and children.  He knows my heart and he will answer in His time.  For now, I am going to SMILE and live with the peace of knowing I am in the center of the will of God.

So how about you?  Are you letting God drive or are you trying to control where your life is heading?  It's so much better when we allow ourselves to rest in the center of God's will.  Trust Me... or if you need another witness..check out this song by TobyMac.