Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Have you ever had a day when you looked in the mirror and asked yourself, what am I doing?  Where is my life going?  I am happy, but I just feel like there is something more I should be doing.  I’m sure that I am not the only one to have had this mirror conversation, as if the mirror would be any help in answering the questions you are postulating.  None the less, I have done it many times. 

There are days we wonder what God’s plan is.  I have heard many people say, I know God can’t fill me in on everything but if He could just give me the first chapter I would feel better.  It goes back to our desperate and very human need to have some control.  In a world where nothing seems to make any sense, we are constantly grasping for control in any situation we can. 

The fact is, we can’t have control.  The Bible makes it very clear in Proverbs 20.  I love this passage because it is a very direct answer to our questions.

Proverbs 20:24
A person’s steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand their own way?”

It’s like, duh?  Your steps are ordered of the Lord, what makes you think you can understand.  In fact the Bible says in Isaiah 55 that God’s ways are higher than ours and His thoughts are higher than ours.  We were never meant to fully understand.  We are to have faith and trust in a God who loves us and knows what is best for us.  Sounds really simple right?  Let it go, because God has total control.  Don’t worry, it will work out.

Psalms 37:23-25
"The steps of a man are established by the Lord, And He delights in his way.
When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong, Because the Lord is the One who holds his hand.  I have been young and now I am old, Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken
Or his descendants begging bread.”

Though it is a difficult thing for us to let go and trust God with our path, it is the smartest way to live.  I like the last part of these verses in Psalm 37.  I haven’t “seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging bread.”  God does not forget about us.  We may feel that he has, but that is just a feeling.  I can attest that in my own life when things looked there bleakest, God always provided.  There was even a time when I was very small that my own father begged God for just one loaf of bread for his family.  The next day we were picking up a lady for church, like we did every week, and she brought us a loaf of bread.  (They were buy one get one free, but she can’t eat that much bread)  I watched my father’s reaction over that loaf of bread.  The knowledge that God does listen no matter how big or how small the request, He cares for us.  It’s amazing to know deep in your heart that God is in control of every situation. 

So then, when questions raise their ugly heads, how should we proceed?  Just “take another step.”  You may not be able to see the path you are on, but God sees it.  “Take another step.”  I was struggling one day, and just happened (wink, wink) to be listening to Steven Curtis Chapman’s newest album “Glorious Unfolding”.  Then the song “Take Another Step” came on.  It was the reminder I needed right then.  God knows how music seems to break through my stubbornness.
Here are some of the lyrics…

“We walk by faith and not by sight we know it’s true
We say it and sing it and love the way it sounds
But none of us can even begin to truly understand
What it really means till all the lights go out
And there we are nothing to hold on to
But the promises Gods made to me and you
Take another step, take another step
When the road ahead is dark
And you don’t know where to go
Take another step, take another step
Trust God and take another step”

Just trust God and “Take another step.”  It’s just that simple.  And if you still struggle, remember what it says in Psalm 119:105, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”  All you need to do is sit down and spend a little time in prayer and in God’s Word.  That is all the light you will need on this path we travel.  My Dad always says “hindsight is 20/20.”  As you follow God on this path, at times it is hard to see your way.  However, if you turn around and look back on your life, you will see God’s gentle hand guiding you every step of the way. 

Let me pray for you….
Lord, you know we all struggle to trust you in our daily walk.  Sometimes we struggle to see the path you have us on, and we begin to get discouraged.  God, please be our light and guide our paths.  Give us strength to trust you no matter our circumstance because we know you care for us.  Help us to love others, to guide those around us as we allow ourselves to be lead by your Holy Spirit.  Guide our steps, that we may fulfill your call on our lives.  In Your Precious Holy Name, Amen.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Morning Worship

Have you ever woken up with a song on your heart?  You hear it so clearly as if all of heaven has set up in your room, right where you're at, and begun to sing with such a power it almost brings you to tears?

That has been my morning!  I woke up to all of Heaven singing Praises to an awesome, mighty, holy God!  It is impossible to ignore God when He starts your day that way.  So, I grabbed my Bible and began to search the Word of God.  He encouraged me to rejoice today!  God took me to a very familiar portion of scripture in Philippians.  As you begin to read what the Word of the Lord says, you need to remember that when Paul wrote this letter to the Philippians he was sitting in prison.  It totally changes the impact of this passage.  As he sits there, himself in prison, he says to them...

Philippians 4:4-9
"Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again:  Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all.  The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true , whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.  Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me - put into practice.  And the God of peace will be with you."

Rejoice!  Get your praise on!  No matter what in life has come against you...Rejoice!  I call this passage the "Don't Worry, Be Happy" text.  We spend so much of our lives in worry.  We stress over the things that come against us, things that we have no control over.  I used to be a serious worrier.  I would obsess over every little thing in my life, and I have to be honest I still struggle with that.  I am a natural fixer.  I see a problem or a difficult situation and my natural instinct is to try to fix it.  I have made myself sick a couple of times trying to figure out problems that I had no business messing with.  Stuff happens, the question is how are we going to react to it?

I want to be like Paul!  I want to be one who prays and lays it down.  Am I always successful at that?  NO!  I am the worst, but I strive everyday to grow in this area.  God wants to be invited into that situation.  God can handle any problem you have if you ask.  Then after you do, Rejoice!  Get your praise on.  He is already at work in that situation!  Let God's peace reign over you.  I tend to be a very happy person for the most part.  I am learning that in this life things happen that are just far out of our control.  Why worry?  It's doesn't help the situation, and it just makes you miserable.  I am learning to put on joy and walk away trusting that God's got everything under control.  He loves me and He wants the best for me.

So get your Joy on!  And whatever you do (Like that transition, Ha), whatever you make sure that what  you read, listen to, watch, etc is uplifting and will feed your spirit.  We allow too much junk into our lives via television, radio, movies, and books.  There is material out there that will uplift and encourage you.  Why allow the trash in?  I believe the saying "Garbage in, garbage out."  If all you are feeding your mind with is garbage then that is what is going to manifest from your life.  Read the Word of God, pray, break out your hair brush and have church with some Godly praise music in the middle of your house.  You will usually find me having church in my car!  (Refer to the post:  Drive Safely!)  It isn't always a safe way to drive, but I feel amazing whenever I get to where I'm going!

So today, Rejoice!  Have a party!  God is watching over you, and He will not allow the things of this world to overtake you.  And, I want to share the song that God invaded my morning with.  I encourage you to start this video, close your eyes, raise your hands, and allow God to invade your space.


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Trouble? Take Heart!

"Is anyone among you in trouble?"  Everywhere I looked today people were dealing with some form of trouble.  It seemed the unmistakable theme of the day.  Watching those around me explain their struggles made me think about that phrase, "the last straw or the straw that broke the camel's back."  I picture that poor camel burdened down with as much straw as his master can toss on.  Under the immense strain the camel is standing there with his knees wobbling under the pressure and every muscle crying out for relief, and his greedy master just can't help but pile on the one last piece of straw that had fallen by the wayside.  At which, the poor camel's body gives way and crumbles to the ground.  Quite a picture isn't it?  Today, I spoke with several people feeling that same strain.  The weight of the World bearing down heavily up them, and the intense uncertainty of their situations causing every fiber of their being to cry out.

Life is difficult...the Word of God says in John 16:33, "In this World you will have trouble."  God never hid that fact from us.  When sin entered the World in the Garden of Eden, we had to accept that trouble would come.  How do we deal with it day in and day out?  It seems at times that it never lets up, and we struggle to keep our hope and joy alive.

I love a passage of scripture that my Pastor quotes often in James.  By the way, James is an incredible book of the Bible for your personal study time.  So much, in such a small book.  James 5:13-16 says this, "Is anyone among you in trouble?  Let them pray.  Is anyone happy?  Let them sing songs of praise.  Is anyone among you sick?  Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.  And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up.  If they have sinned, they will be forgiven.  Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."  

I love that this passage leaves no wide room for us to argue over it's interpretation.  It is extremely straight forward.  Are you in trouble?  You should Pray!  Very often we overlook the most basic answer to our most difficult situations.  I am the Master Blaster Disaster when it comes to trying to handle it on my own.  I tend to be a control freak.  When things don't seem to be going my way or when trouble strikes, my brain's instant reaction is to find a solution on my own.  By the way, that's a complete waste of time!  Every time that I try to "fix it" I tend to make a bigger mess than I had when I began.  I end up even more upset and worn.

Heed the Word of God.  When trouble strikes, it is time to pray.  When illness bares it's ugly head, call believers to pray.  God makes it clear that He will answer.  When we reach out to Him, he is there.  And you know the passage in John 16:33?  It goes on to say, "But take heart!  I have overcome the world."  If you didn't read that out loud you need too.  He has "Overcome the World."  There is truly nothing in this World that can come against you, that your Heavenly Father cannot defeat!  Lay your troubles at his feet in prayer and allow "the peace that passes all understanding" to fill you up.

Let me challenge you today!  Are you experiencing trouble?  It is time to PRAY!  No matter what your circumstance, nothing is too big or small for God to intervene.  Remember He loves you.

Lord, I pray for all those reading these words.  May your presence rest upon them and give them peace.  I pray you would meet their every need and make them a beacon to others seeking answers. You are the Answer Lord!  The hope for a broken World.  
