Saturday, April 2, 2016

What's Your Center?

No matter what your ambition in life, we all have a purpose on this Earth.  Deep down in the heart of every human being lies a God given drive to make our mark on the World around us.  Some are quite overt about it and others allow fear to keep them from accomplishing their purpose.  However, we can't deny who we are or who God created us to be.

A little over a week ago, I was talking to a friend, and we were talking about motivation.  And, in true Tabby fashion, I thought of a kid's movie that had a great question in it.  Before I give you that question, I will show you the little snippet of this movie that motivated this conversation.


So, What Is Your Center?  What is it about you that drives you every single day?  What one aspect of who you are makes you get up in the morning ready to do your best?

In business, it is so important to know what your goal is.  When you know what your goal is, you can tailor your every day activities and plans to make that goal a reality.  It gives you a mark with which you can measure your success day by day.  The problem with a goal however, is that it is only one part of the equation.  If who you are inside doesn't match up with the goal you have placed for yourself, the results could be very disappointing.

As I started to reason out this equation, I began to see the "Center" of those around me.  I began linking up there goals with who they are, and in every successful person those elements go hand in hand.

For example, I have a friend who has this infectious enthusiasm that spills over onto everyone around him.  He has some very lofty goals, and he knows that with hard work and a little healthy competition he will get there.  He loves to win, and even more he loves to see those around him win.  Deep down motivating and helping others obtain their goals is totally his Jam!

While I could sit at my desk and reason the "Center" of those around me, I had a mental block when it came to myself.  I have been thinking about this question ever since that day.  What is it that God placed in me?  What was I created to do?

One night, during a time of worship, I had a breakthrough. (To be honest, I am really uncomfortable sharing this with you, but God is prompting me to do so.)  That night I could finally objectively look at my own life and see what drives me every single day.  To be honest, the answer is really quite simple but it explains my life thus far to a tee.  At my very "Center", is Love!

It is the most motivating aspect of my personality.  Every decision I have ever made, every goal I ever set for myself had at its core, Love.  More than anything else, I want to show the World around me what unconditional love looks like.  It is what drives me and makes me who I am.  At times, it has caused me to be quite vulnerable.  People in my past have taken advantage of this aspect of my personality.  But no matter what, I want to love people and show them how much God loves them.  It is the reason I get up in the morning, and the driving force of everything I do.

This realization about myself has helped me redefine my personal definition of success.  In my mind, I had reasoned that compared to others with my background, I had not accomplished much in my life.  However, God has redefined success for me in the light of who he created me to be.

So, what about you?  What drives you?  Do your goals fall in line with who you are?  Success can only be accomplished when our goals and who we are go hand in hand.  Motivation comes from within.  Despite what those motivational coaches out there want you to think, it starts on the inside.  So, What is your "Center"?

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