Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Come to Jesus

Yesterday I had one of those God moments that came out of nowhere.  I currently work in a real estate office, and I was at the fall convention.  As I sat listening to the keynote speaker, I felt as though God had out a bull horn speaking so clearly that there was no way I could mistake it. 

My best friend, Paula has made comment many times that perhaps someone might need a little "Come to Jesus, either by death or repentance."  Yesterday, that person was me.  I needed to come to Jesus, and it was by no accident that the speaker for this conference decided to talk about faith.  Not faith in God.  I have never really struggled with my faith in a mighty, holy, God.  My problem is faith in myself.

The most successful people in the World believe in their abilities.  They are sure of themselves and believe they can accomplish every big audacious goal.  Though I have fleeting moments of confidence, I struggle with this kind of faith.  I readily believe God can do anything.  I can easily believe that those around me can do anything.  However, I struggle to believe in myself, my abilities, and my calling.  Truth be told, I have some good reason to question myself.  If others were to look at my goals and then look at my life, they would probably be a bit confused. 

God called me into ministry when I was 11 years old, and I have always been involved in some form of ministry.  However, since my graduation from Bible College, I have only once been hired to be a full-time paid youth pastor.  I have held volunteer positions in other areas including my passion which is children's ministry, but never officially made part of the staff.  Though I don't fully understand why, I have struggled with my confidence because of it.

But success to me is not measured financially, it is measured in the lives that you touch each and every day.  I have had hundreds of opportunities to share Jesus with others.  I have walked along side some amazing young people who needed to believe not only in God's love for them, but in God's awesome plan for their life.  I have held up the arms of ministers who were serving others.  I need to start believing in myself and trust in the God who has called me.  He has a plan for me.  Now I need to have faith in myself. 

I posted this on facebook after my conference yesterday, "If God leads you to do something, then don't back down because you lack confidence in yourself. Keep moving forward, because "when God is in it...there is no limit!" ‪#‎israelhoughton" God can speak anywhere, anytime.  Yesterday, I needed to hear His voice and I am so glad I did. 

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