Well, I don't know about you, but I'm done playing it safe. I have done that my whole life, and it is no wonder that I am nowhere close to where I want to be in ministry. I spent all my time trying to get along and not rock the boat. I allowed others to intimidate me, to cause me to question who I was and what I was called to do. And you know what, they weren't strangers. Men and women of God that I looked up to from childhood. They pushed me down and I let them every time! Well you know what? Something broke over me a few days ago, and I am done allowing other people to dictate my calling and abilities. I am done walking on eggshells and worrying what the World will think. Today is a new day.
Look around at the World we are living in. The people who have given their lives to protect our homes and communities are being gunned down. Our children's innocence is being stripped away to the point that they aren't even safe in their schools any longer. Churches are choosing to change what they believe in order to obtain more members, instead of standing up for the truth given us in the Word of God.
It is time for "20 seconds of insane courage...20 seconds of just embarrassing bravery." Ok, yes I'm quoting a movie.
Sometimes that is all it takes. I have begun a new chapter, and I will take you on this journey with me. I have a passion for people. In my daily life, I refrain or water down what I want to say in order to be accepted. NO MORE! Oh, I will still be tactful, but I will no longer water down the gospel to make it more palatable. Yeah, I've done it and I bet you have too. I will no longer limit my devotional life to a little while in the morning or at night. I am making my pursuit of God a priority all day long. Praying more, reading more, writing more, and did I say praying more?
Church it is time to pick a fight with the enemy on our knees. I have been reading Mark Batterson's book "All In" and if you can't tell it has had quite an effect. I highly recommend it. It is time to make war in the Heavenlies. If we want to see our country turn back to God, that battle must begin on our knees. We can no longer make excuses... we must find the time to Pray. No more excuses.
So who's with me? Are you ready for "20 seconds of insane courage?" Sometimes the smallest most radical step can cause a fire that consumes the World. Let's do this!